Summer School

Pisa Piazza Duomo

Summer School “Digital tools for Humanists” 2019

Please note the new venue of the School
Manifatture Digitali Ex-Stallette
Via Nicola Pisano 15
click Gps: 43.716101, 10.391459

In the frame of the Summer Schools organized by the University of Pisa, under the direction of the “Laboratorio di Cultura Digitale” (Laboratory for Digital Culture, see site in Italian), the third edition of the Summer School “Digital Tools for Humanists” will be held in Pisa from 10 to 14 June 2019.

The School is addressing all those interested in getting basic and working knowledge of some of the digital tools available today to scholars in many different fields of the Humanities. The topics in the edition of 2019 will range from Natural Language Processing to Digital Information Governance, from Tools for Digital Philology to Digital Editorship, from Digital Maps and Geographical Information Systems to Digital Audie and Video (see program). There will be several hands-on laboratories, and in order to get the maximum benefit from the School, it is recommended to all attendees to bring their own Personal Computer. No specific pre-requisites are requested, except for some familiarity in the use of computers and, of course, a good interest in Digital Humanities.

The minimum requirement for enrolling in the School is a Bachelor degree, in any discipline. Graduate students and professionals in the Humanities, such as PhD students, librarians, teachers, researchers, archivists are the perspective participants of the School. Upon request, the University of Pisa will issue a certificate of 4 credits (ECTS, the European Credit Transfer System). It will be the responsibility of the attendees to have this certificate recognized at their own Institution.

The attendance fee is 250 Euros, to be paid in advance following the registration procedure. The School is sponsored by AIUCD, the Italian Association for Digital Humanities and Culture, and the registration fee is reduced to 200 Euros for members of AIUCD. If you are not already a member of AIUCD, in order to take advantage of the reduced fee it is necessary to enrol first in AIUCD before registering at the School. The number of participants at the School is limited, and registrations will be accepted until there are available seats.

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Go to enrolment in AIUCD